Monday, March 17, 2014

Weed B Gone...

So imagine yourself deep in the corporate garden. Not the one I live in though....the other one....

You see an email pop up in the corner of your screen from your boss...

It's a position opening in the lettuce department.....and for a brief moment you think, "hey, maybe my boss sent this to me because I'm an expert at growing lettuce!" know that there are only a handful of people in your department who have ever grown lettuce., so maybe your hard work and dilligence is finally paying off.....

But then, as always in this garden, you open your email to see......

EVERYONE received this email.....even people that have never tasted lettuce or better yet GROWN IT!!

Ahhh....tales from the mega corporate garden.....

I think the boss needs a gift.....

Something to the effect of a 5 gallon bucket of Weed-B-Gone.....

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Eyes wide open...

I find myself on the outside looking into a corporate garden. I work in a small garden that is easily weeded so the wonderful plants and flowers can grow. I suppose, like many things, I have just assumed that all is fair and if you work hard enough, you will be appreciated and reap the benefits.

But the stories I hear have opened my eyes and removed my blinders. I can now glimpse into a corporate garden. It is full of weeds and lacks the sun that any plant needs to grow.

The "gardeners" carefully cultivate their weeds and drown their wonderful plants and flowers to make room for more........and weeds multiply.

How can anyone survive without being strangled or becoming just another weed? I don't know yet. But I'm a passenger on the ride and I can't wait to find out.